Posted on Sep 02, 2016.
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Though we wholeheartedly believe that there is no bad time to have a cookie, man cannot live on cookies alone. For that reason, Elizabeth has created a Granola that can be eaten on the go and make anyone feel good about themselves. Traditionally, granola is thought of as a breakfast food or baking ingredient, but granola is great for an on-the-go snack or a fantastic ingredient to add to yogurt. No matter what form granola is eaten in, it has loads of health benefits.
A Complete Part of This Breakfast
Were sure many have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Granola definitely makes that a true statement. Granola can reduce one’s blood sugar due to the potassium that is in it . When blood sugar is lowered in the body, tension in the veins are loosened — increasing the blood and oxygen flow and helping the brain work properly all day long. Some may say they don't have time for breakfast, but granola is good for that too! It is an easy and light breakfast to eat on the go, which is exactly why many hikers and outdoor enthusiast enjoy it so much.
Energy Booster
Instead of heading straight for the coffee bar at work, try eating some granola! Granola, unlike coffee, is not filled with sugar and caffeine that will cause you to crash. Instead granola is filled with the mineral energy booster, manganese. This mineral is important for the body’s kidney, liver, and metabolism functions. Manganese helps your metabolism distribute energy properly, meaning consuming granola will not cause you to eventually crash like caffeine and sugary drinks tend to do.
Weight Loss Aid
Good news: granola can be a key part of weight loss due to it’s light weight nature, but at the same time filling qualities. Granola is low in cholesterol and sodium, but high in fiber!
Next time you’re in the neighborhood and want something sweet, stop by and grab a cookie, but always remember what Elizabeth says, “Man cannot live on cookies alone!” Grab some of Kizitos signature Granola for your next breakfast or mid-day snack!
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Posted on Aug 03, 2016.
The Olympics has long since captured the minds and imaginations of the world. This summer will be no different in Rio. We are excited for Friday’s opening ceremony because we get to watch Brazil show off it’s country and culture, and of course we get to cheer on both the Ugandan and United States athletes. The US has been sending successful athletes to the modern Olympics since it’s start in 1896. Team USA, across all events, has earned a total of 2,397 olympic medals, 976 of which being gold medals. Unlike the enormous success that the US and other more developed countries have had at the Olympics, Uganda has won just a mere 7 medals since it’s first appearance in 1956. Success in the Olympics for countries like Uganda tend to treat their Olympians as national heroes and ambassadors for their country. Here is the story of Uganda’s most recent Marathon gold medalist, Stephen Kiprotich.
Stephen Kiprotich was born on February 27, 1987 and is the youngest of seven children. As an elementary student, Kiprotich had to drop out for 2 years because of an unidentifiable disease. From 2004 to 2006 he quit athletics to focus on his school work. When he turned 17 he quit school and moved to Kenya to train to be a marathon runner. He was funded by a nonprofit organization called A Running Start. In 2011, Kiprotich ran a “personal best” in the Enshede Marathon, in the Netherlands. The next year he finished 3rd at the Tokyo Marathon. In 2012 Kiprotich made his first ever appearance at the Olympic games in London where he was awarded a gold medal, and is one of only 2 Ugandans to do so.
Kiprotich credits John Akii-Bua, Ugandan Gold Medal runner, as his inspiration. His success did not go unnoticed by his countrymen as he was awarded the highest sporting honor in Uganda - The Nile Special-Uspa Sports Personality of the Year. We hope to hear more stories like Stephen’s as we watch the XXXI Olympiad in Rio!
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Posted on Jul 18, 2016.
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The inventor of the chocolate chip cookie was Ruth Graves Wakefield. Kizito Cookies is forever indebted to this woman for making this delicious recipe. We are extremely proud of our recipe but wanted to share how the original chocolate chip cookie came about.
Wakefield made this recipe by completely by accident! It all happened while she was making dessert for her guests at an Inn that she ran with her husband called the Toll House Inn. One night while making cookies she realized that she was missing one important ingredient: baking chocolate. To substitute her original baking ingredient, she took a semi-sweet chocolate bar and chopped it up. What she realized was that unlike the baking chocolate, the semi-sweet, chopped chocolate bar did not blend with the rest of the recipe. Thus a classic dessert was born!
Come to find out the semi-sweet chocolate bar that was used in the first batch of cookies was a gift to the Toll House Inn from the owner of the Nestle Chocolate Company, Andrew Nestle. Once the Toll House Cookie recipe got popular, the sale of Nestle chocolate bars sky rocketed. As a result, Wakefield sold her cookie recipe to him where he, in turn, gave her a lifetime supply of chocolate. Still to this day the original toll house cookie recipe is printed on every bag of chocolate chips made by Nestle.
Wakefield died in 1977, and her Inn burned down in 1984. Today there are so many chocolate chip manufacturers and chocolate chip cookie recipes but, always remember, the original came from a mistake in Whitman, Massachusetts at the Toll House Inn. Stop by our bakery on Bardstown Road and try our version of the worlds most famous cookie
Source: All About Chocolate Cookies
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Posted on Jul 13, 2016.
Kizito Cookies now has a Fundraising Option with frozen dough! Whether you are raising money for your school, organization or basketball team be sure to use the Kizitio’s Fundraiser. It's simple, the fundraiser includes a 36oz frozen cookie dough of your choice. We will sell our tub to you at $7.75 each and we suggest you to sell them at $12.00 to get the best value back to your organization.
Be sure to get your team together and explain the price and order forms. We can provide the order forms to you. We suggest that you are giving your members two weeks to sale the cookie dough. Once your fundraisers is over collect all order and count the number you have for each flavor. Next step, please send all sales via phone call, fax or email within 10 days. We then will deliver your tubs to your Louisville metro location or you have the option to pick up.
We suggest that you have at least 1 parent for every 100 tubs to help with sorting. Make sure you schedule out all pick up times with your organization. Be sure to freeze all tubs of cookie dough. All orders are Cash On Deliver. Kizito Cookies also accepts American Express, Visa, Master Card, and Discover.
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Posted on Jun 24, 2016.
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Posted on May 31, 2016.
From growing up on a banana plantation, to now owning a successful bakery here in Louisville. Elizabeth has had quite the adventure to get where she is now, a Louisville favorite. This is her story.
Growing up in Africa
Elizabeth grew up in a culture that revolved around the banana. The Banana plant was not just a source of food for Elizabeth and her family, but a tool to make cooking easier. In Africa, people will line a pot with banana peels and then cover whatever they are cooking with banana peels as part of the cooking process. She even recalls as a little girl playing on the banana plantation making dolls out of the banana fibers.
Her father was a very successful businessmen known throughout Uganda. He partnered with a German business man who was living in Uganda. The business was the first to bring bread to the Ugandan people. Elizabeth’s Father was so well known throughout the country for his bread company. “He could be compared to Wonder Bread here in the states.” A lot of Elizabeth’s baking trade was learned from her Father and his baking company.
Soon after her Fathers baking company took off, Elizabeth attended boarding school. There she learned how to bake cakes from a nun at the school. When she went back home she was so excited to show her Father what she learned and how she could bake cakes. When Elizabeth baked that first cake for her Father that is when she knew how fascinated and passionate she was about food, baking and cooking!
The Beginning of The American Dream
Elizabeth first heard about the United States from a friend who wrote letters to her from the states. She really couldn’t imagine what it was like. She said, “I kinda imagined it as if it was in the sky.” Curious from the letters, she planned on going there some day to experience it for herself. She finally got the chance to go, Elizabeth recalls when she was on the plane, she was very confused by even the smallest things like the airplane menu. “I only knew tea on the menu so thats what I ordered.” After receiving her tea, which of course came in the standard tea bag, she ripped it open not knowing that the bag was used as the steeping tool for the tea. The stewardess ran over and quickly said “let me get you another one.” Once Elizabeth got over the culture shock of America she felt very comfortable to try new things that should would never of tried in Africa.
A co-worker brought in cookies one day at the restaurant she worked at, and instantly she had to know how to make them for herself. Elizabeth would bring them in to share with her co workers until one day they told her she should start a business and sell cookies instead. This is how the Kizito cookie started!
Mama Visits
After a lot of hard work, Elizabeth saved enough money to bring her mother to the states for a visit. It was a pleasure for Elizabeth to watch her mother experience the United States for the first time, as she did in utter amazement years before. “I was always kinda nervous to tell my
mother what I did, because she wanted me to be a doctor or a teacher and yet I was making cookies and selling cookies.” Once she got the courage to tell her what she did, her mother was astounded that Americans would come in numbers to buy cookies from an African lady who carried cookies in a basket on her head. In Uganda, that’s what the poor people do. Of course once she saw what Elizabeth was building, she was all for it! Elizabeth’s Mother told her that she needed a bakery and even helped look for empty placed to rent around town.
Elizabeth has been through many challenges throughout her life, but never once did she believe that she couldn't succeed, even when the odds where stacked against her. She used her talents to make a difference in the communication and Louisville loves the cookie lady. If you see the Cookie Lady at Louisville Slugger Field or at the Bakery on Bardstown Road be sure to say hello!
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Posted on May 17, 2016.
A few blogs ago we talked about the crane as Uganda’s national symbol, but why is this so? Let’s take a look! First things first, there are 16 crane species in the world, four of these species live in Uganda with the grey crowned crane being the most loved by the people of Uganda.
According to many of the tribes in Uganda the Grey Crowned Crane helps tell the time of day depending on what sound it makes. The crane is considered to be a symbol of relaxation and joy, and it is said that if you sing and clap your hands to a certain song the crane will nod its head as if to dance. This truly shows and symbolizes the happiness of the Ugandan people.
The Grey Crowned Crane can be found most any where from swamps to dry grassy lands. It has a wide range diet from fish, insects, lizards, grass and seeds. This diet allows the bird to live all over Uganda. Some say this is why it is the national bird because it can be found all over the country.
The Grey Crowned Crane was first used in the nations flag in 1914 when it was approved to be used as a symbol on the Union Jack for the Colony of Uganda. Since that time, the crane has been used in every flag since, including the one that is used today. The crane also stands alone as a symbol of the country that people are extremely proud of. Though the Grey Crown Crane lives all over the country of Uganda and across Africa, it breeds specifically in swampy areas. Now that technologies have allowed people to live and farm in swampy areas, this puts the cranes existence in danger. However, there are several groups working to help preserve this beloved species of crane.

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Posted on May 10, 2016.
Uganda is double the size of Pennsylvania, meaning there is variety of cultural traditions in the country. There are several types of cultural categories that seems to be the same, but they are carried out in various ways depending on what region of the country you are in. Here is a look at some of those differences.
Over 30 different languages are spoken in Uganda, but the official languages are English and Swahili. Many people speak multiple languages. The Reason for english being one of the official languages is because of the British rule over the country nearly 68 years. Swahili is the other national language due to the fact that countries that are surrounding Uganda speak Swahili. The largest ethnic group in Uganda lives in the Kampala people and they are called Baganda .These people speak the Luganda language .
Other languages that are spoken by the bantu speaking groups are Ankole, Toro, Banyoro and Basoga. To the east and north are groups of Nilotic/Cushitic origin, including the Teso, Karimojong, Acholi and Lango. There are several commonly used prefixes in Uganda that explain what “people you belong to and what area they live in . These prefixes are Mu,Bu, and Ba even the countries name has an example of this . The letter U in Swahili is used instead of Bu.
Like in many African countries dancing is an important part of the culture in Uganda. Different regions in the country have different dancing rituals. In the eastern regions of the country the Bosoga people do a dance ritual that celebrates friendship called Tamenhaibunga . One of the more universally known dances is called Kiganda. This dance takes skill, because it requires dancers to move and rotate their lower . The dance comes in many different styles, and is typically the dance to honor the Baganda King.
Traditionally, Uganda has had a very strong faith based background but not necessarily the same faith . The Country is home to Many faiths among the most common are Christianity/ Catholicism, Muslim, and traditional spirit beliefs of the native people .
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Posted on May 02, 2016.
Along with the United States flag, the Ugandan flag has had many variations due to British colonization. Uganda’s flag that is in use is a symbol of pride for the people of the country. The current flag was commissioned to the Ugandan Congress and put into use in 1962. The flag is especially unique because it consists of five colors more than any other country’s flag in the world. Here are the meanings behind the flag and the progression of our past flags to what we have today.
Black Strips
Black represents the color of the people in the country.
Yellow Strip
Yellow stands for the equator and sunshine the is constant in the country.
Red Strips
Red stands for the brother of Africans and the blood that was shed to fight for the country.
The Crown Crane
The crane has been a symbol of the country since the British had control of the state and is something that Ugandans take pride in. The Crane has one foot lifted up symbolizing the country is always progressing.
Present day Flag

(1962- Present)
Ugandan National Flag

(March 1962- April 1962
Flag of the Uganda Protectorate

(1914-March 1962)
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Posted on Apr 26, 2016.
Uganda has some of the most underrated tourist spots in the world with an abundance of wild life, and natural beauty to see. In Europe, Africa is a popular vacation place for adventure seekers but, relative to the majority of the world, it is never really considered. When you go to the city capital of Kampala it may look like a modern day city, but Uganda still has it’s roots in wild life and adventure with a few modern places in between.
Some will say that Kampala is an African city with an Asian “big city” feel. Like with other big cities around the world, there are plenty of restaurants and museums to see. We suggest that you experience what it is like to ride on a Boda Boda, a Ugandan Motorcycle taxi. Another recommendation is to visit the beautiful churches that Kampala has to offer, along with the Bahai Temple. Fun fact: the equator is located 37 miles south of the city and that is something worth snapping a few pictures of as well.

Gorilla Trekking
This is the most popular tourist attraction in Uganda. There are only 3 countries in Africa that have gorillas. As one of the three, Uganda also has the largest population of gorillas out of the three. If gorillas aren’t your thing, there are many other animals that can be found on safari trips as well.
White Water Rafting
The Nile River starts in Uganda and is the longest river in the world. What better way to explore the Nile then to go white water rafting? These trips are relatively inexpensive and can last as long as an afternoon trip all the way up to a 3 day adventure.
Lake Victoria
Lake Victoria is the source of the Nile River and has some breath-taking views. Lake Victoria is the second biggest fresh water lake in the world, second to Lake Superior in the United States. Africa’s biggest great lake has several beaches, including some secluded ones that could take up to eight hours to get to.

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Posted on Apr 19, 2016.
Soccer is the majority of the world’s favorite sport. There are facts to back this up according to Fifa there are 265 million players around the world , 5 million referee, and the last World Cup Final brought in a viewership of 26.5 million people crushing the previous number. Uganda that fact stands true as well as for the rest of the African nations. Soccer, or Football as the African nations call it, was brought to the continent more than 100 years ago by the European settlers. Soccer, as we said before, is a very popular sport world wide but the access to the game makes it extremely popular in the African nations. Soccer has no social economic borders; everyone can play from the wealthy to the very poor, all you need is a ball and four poles or rocks to portray goal boundaries. Soccer is a way for the poor to get out of poverty in Africa. In many cases, some of the African stars that are in todays biggest leagues were found while playing pick-up games in small villages.
The other side of soccer in Africa is it brings a sense of, other wise very low, national pride. Everyone knows about the world cup, but for most African nations that is a far off dream. During the continental tournament every nation has a better chance to qualify for the African Cup of Nations. This brings out some crazy visuals of packed stadiums to watch the home country play. Entire villages shut down for big national games. Uganda has only appeared in the African Cup of nations 5 times and has never qualified for the World Cup, but people still come out in droves to support the Cranes. This is the reality for many African countries who haven't had the international success as Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Egypt have had as of late. Still people in the other countries come out of the wood work to support Africa. That is typically not something you see in other parts of the world. Usually many Africans believe that soccer is what could propel them to the modern world so at the end of the day everyone stands together as “One African Nation”. This fact was on display when the 2010 World Cup was held in South Africa.
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Posted on Apr 05, 2016.
To some cooking is an art, and for us we couldn't agree more. From the first time Elizabeth had a cookie, she had to learn how to make it for herself, and from that Kizito Cookies and Bakery was born! As we have said in past blogs, Elizabeth had never had an American cookie before moving to the US because there was nothing like it in Uganda. We wanted to highlight some native sweet treats to Africa and share the recipe.
In Uganda, many sweet treats are made out of fresh and dry native fruits, nuts, raisins, and pistachios. These sweet treats are very simple to make, but the ingredients are delicacies and not always easy to come by. Two desserts that we would like to feature are sim sim cookies and coconut candy. The sim sim cookie is not what Americans would typically classify as a “cookie.” This African dessert is made up of simple sesame seeds and sugar. Take these ingredients and cook until the sugar is liquified and then pour out onto a flat surface until cooled. Cut into square pieces and enjoy.

The next recipe is enjoyed all across Africa, and that is coconut candy. This is made with coconut, cinnamon, salt, and sugar. This is a little more complicated so we wrote it out step by step. First, remember to remove the coconut meat and run it over a grater.
1. Pour the coconut juice into the pot.
2. Add the icing sugar (powdered sugar). Stir.
3. Add the tiny coconut pieces and stir.
4. Add water to the same level as the coconut pieces.
5. Cover the pot and set to boil at high heat. Once the contents start boiling, stir continuously till all the water is just about evaporated.
6. Reduce to low heat and continue stirring.
7. At this time, you will notice that the contents have started sticking together. That is the sugar caramelizing.
8. Keep stirring until the coconut pieces start turning slightly brown.
9. Turn off the heat and scoop the very hot coconut candy onto a flat plate and leave to cool down.

A famous pastry more local to us is the Kabalagala . This treat is named for a section of the city in Kampala, Uganda, and is made of fresh banana’s and cassava flour, than fried like a fritter making for a tasty sweet treat .

Try these for a delicious cultural treat and stop by our bakery any time! We would love to see you!
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Posted on Apr 05, 2016.
Picture riding a public transportation bus on a dirt road, which is already a rough start in Uganda, and the bus suddenly stops. The bus had blown a gasket … As people file out of the bus Todd says he can remember thinking, “we’re gonna be here a while.” Then all of the sudden the bus driver grabs this straw like material, he does some mending of sorts to fix the blown gasket, and BAM the bus is up and running and they get to where they are going.
The straw like material that was used to fix the bus was Banana fiber and it is used all over the world as a useful utility material. In African culture, it is the general imagine of a fruit, kind of like an apple is here in the US, and has many other benefits besides it’s obvious nutritional value. As Todd recalls, the banana fiber is not some natural, organic, mechanical wonder fix that no one in the western world knows about, but it did get us where we were going. In a lot of ways banana fiber is the “everything fix” like duck tape is here in the states, but it can also be used to make ropes, mats, and other things.
To get the banana fiber from the banana plant is a very tedious and slow process, but it is necessary to avoid damaging the fiber. The banana plant sections are cut from the main stem of the plant and then rolled lightly to remove any excess moisture. Impurities in the rolled fibers such as pigments, broken fibers, coating of cellulose, etc. are removed manually by means of comb, and then the fibers are cleaned and dried. This is a long and strenuous, traditional process that has been bettered by industrial machines. After this process is finished, it can be spun into yarn using looms, as with any material that is made into yarn.
There are several different types of banana plants and all have fibers that can be turned into usable material. As the world becomes more environmentally aware, banana fibers have become more prevalent of the organic, environmentally friendly material. We invite you to explore the uses of our traditional African culture’s “duct tape”!
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Posted on Mar 18, 2016.
Although bark cloth is not necessarily an art form, we felt that the craftsmanship it takes to make the cloth was worthy of being in our art installments for our blog story. Making bark cloth is an ancient craft traditionally done and worn by the Buganda people in South Uganda. For over 600 years the cloth has been made to make clothes for both the royal family and the common man alike.
The inner bark of the Mutuba tree is taken off during the winter season. After it goes through the harvest process it then goes through a long process of beating with different types of hammers to create a texture that is soft, fine, an earthy brown color, and a earthy smell to match. The tree’s bark can be harvested multiple years if taken care of properly. Bark cloth is worn by men and women like a toga. While most bark cloth is brown in color, for royalty the color is dyed white or black and worn in a different fashion to signify their social status.
Bark cloth was traditionally used for clothes for ceremonies, coronations, and most commonly, funerals. What used to be a more common material for clothing in decades past in Uganda has given in to western materials like cotton that were introduced in the 1800s by Arab traders. Bark cloth is still widely used for funeral purposes, but because of that the material has gotten a bad reputation from the younger generation who only associate it with death. This saddens us, because bark cloth has a long history of craftsmanship in Uganda. Every village had its own workshop and families in the village that owned these workshops passed down their trade down for generations to come.
You could always tell a bark cloth maker’s son from the crowd, because they wore a necklace with two tiny mallets hanging from it. This served as a reminder to them that if they mess up, they may have to make bark cloth with those two very small mallets.
Making bark cloth was banned for some time and only recently revived in the late 1990’s. In recent years, trend setting college age students have become interested in the craftsmanship, heritage, and wearing of bark cloth. Many fashion designers like Gloria Wavamunni have expressed interest in the cloth and are trying to get rid of it’s association and make it a fashion statement instead. She says that, “it’s rough texture gives it character.” We hope that designers like Gloria and trend setting college students continue to use this traditional material and craft for modern day fashion, but it has a long way to become the beloved profession it once was.
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Posted on Mar 15, 2016.
African masks are often regarded in the art world as one of the most sought after pieces of art. These pieces are made out of several different types of materials, but traditionally they are made out of wood, cloth, and sometimes decorated with a second layer like beads and paint. Most would be surprised to learn that a traditional, African style mask never really looks much like an actual human face, but they do convey strong human emotions like: happiness, sadness, anger, etc. Some of these ideas are just a large over look of the mask, but Africa is extremely diverse with the amount of countries, tribes, and clans that it has. What we are getting at is mask can be pretty broad in what they look like and mean.
Traditionally masks fulfill a sacred purpose and played a different role, according to specific tribes across the continent. The mask may take up to two weeks to finish, and then it is put in a special place where it is only taken out for specific ceremonies or celebrations like weddings, funerals, initiations, or to entertain an important person. Men are the only ones to wear masks for the most part, but women will also wear them on specific occasions like initiations. The initiation is significant especially to women because it celebrates a girls coming of age. Though this is traditional culture in Africa, to most they are just works of art.
When the average person thinks of a mask they think of something that is worn over the face, but that is not exactly the case. In African culture they can be worn on top of the head as a crown of sorts and over the face. To go along with mask there are other pieces that are made from the same material that go on the chest, legs, and even arms. Many of the masks are thought to have special powers and only specific people are allowed to wear them and many are not even allowed to look at them.
As western culture has continually influenced Africa, traditional African art has lost a lot of it’s ceremonial purposes, but the art form has not. Though many African artists will mass produce masks to sell to tourist, which to some kills the art form but for many its a way to earn a livelihood, many still keep the original tradition alive by making custom masks for ceremonies.
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Posted on Mar 01, 2016.
Elizabeth learned the bakery business from her father, Yesero Kizito. He was an amazing man. With only a third grade education, he became one of the most well-known businessmen of his generation in Uganda. He began his entrepreneurial career by selling dye to add color to the baskets and mats that women traditionally weave. Walking through villages, he was a natural born salesman! Soon he was riding a bike to enlarge his territory, then purchased a motorbike.
After marrying Yuliana Kizza, Yesero got a job working for a German Baker in the capital of Kampala. When the bakery owner moved back to Europe, Kizito purchased the bakery and grew it into a household name across the country. Bread was a novelty when he started, but soon Kizito Bakery had trucks delivering fresh baked bread all over the city. Kizito became famous! He used his new-found wealth to build a family of six wives and 36 children.
On top of his business success, Kizito helped efforts to bring the exiled Kabaka (King) of Buganda back home. He later invested in a concrete company and his bricks and cinder blocks helped build Kampala into a modern city in the 1950's. He also started a shipping company that carried goods all across East Africa from the port of Mombasa on the Indian Ocean to Kampala and everywhere in between.
Kizito's death at the age of only 45 was untimely and the chaos of Idi Amin's reign of terror left the family scattered and struggling, but Yesero Kizito left an incredible legacy of entrepreneurship that still lives on in our bakery today!
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